Why Many People Prefer A Silicone Lubricant}

Why Many People Prefer a Silicone Lubricant


Kelly Renaul

A silicone lubricant is the lube of choice for many people, and there are a lot of good reasons why silicone lubricant is the preferred sexual lube over water based ones and oil based ones. Silicone lubricant in general is more expensive than water based ones, but they also last a lot longer, so you dont have to buy as much as often.

Silicone lubricant is great for any type of sexual activity that doesnt involve sex toys made out of silicone. Silicone plus silicone toys equals broken toys, so keep that in mind. Many people like the silky glide feeling that silicone lubricant provides, and the silicone lubricant is long lasting, so you dont have to stop several times to reapply it. Oil based lube will stain your bed sheets, but silicone lubricant usually will not do that. There are many formulas of silicone lubricant that wont stain fabrics, so many people use it because they can relax and not worry about buying new sheets in the morning.Silicone lubricant has a smooth feeling to it, just like water based and oil based lubricants do. The difference with silicone lubricant though is that it doesnt feel greasy, oily, or slimy, and when it dries, it does not have a sticky or clumpy consistency to it. Silicone lubricant is safe for use with latex and other condoms, so people like it for that reason as well. You can use silicone lubricant with latex sex toys and birth control devices such as diaphragms. Silicone lubricant is usually very safe for people with sensitive skin or allergies to the other types of lubricants. Silicone lubricant is sold in many different varieties of forms, and is available as flavored lube, lubricant that warms on contact, and even some of the silicone lubricant cools the skin on contact. There is silicone lubricant that is specifically designed for men, women, and even silicone lubricant that is specifically formulated to help people slip into latex and rubber clothing for nights of fetish fun.Silicone lubricant has a drawback for people who have toys that are made of silicone. Toys that are made of silicone cannot be used with silicone lubricant. Silicone is made up of tiny glass balls, and since glass balls rubbing together break down, this same thing happens with silicone rubbing against silicone. Other than the damper on the silicone sex toy deal, silicone lubricant is considered by many to be as close to perfect as you can get.

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silicone lubricant

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Why Many People Prefer a Silicone Lubricant}