About Figurative Women Paintings

By Eliz Guide

Figurative women paintings are among some of the most popular artworks displayed. Whether they are being purchased by admirers or being painted by an artist, these are among some of the most favored.

Figurative women paintings have been around for centuries, even if it was not called that back then. Ladies of all shapes and sizes have been a favorite of artists to capture on canvas since almost the beginning of time.

The term, or definition, of what figurative women paintings are begins with its first word. This type of art is defined as art that, in some way, represents the human figure. It can also represent an animal figure as well.

There are formal elements involved as well and those include but are not limited to light, color, shape, volume, perspective and texture. Much of this is determined by the artist himself or herself, they are not necessarily set rules since much of these same elements are also seen in other art forms.


The beauty of figurative women paintings are the subjects themselves. So many artists have taken on the challenge to paint the female form and celebrate it.

Often things that are drawn are things that many females would consider their flaws, yet with an artist s brush, they are made into something beautiful. There is much to celebrate about the female form and since it is also something that most artists can relate to, whether they are male or female, it is no wonder that there are so many different art pieces.

Some people may hear the term figurative women paintings and think that they are pieces of nude art, but that is far from being accurate. Yes, true, there are many pieces that are of females in the nude or barely dressed, but that is not all there is in regards to this form of artwork.

There are many pieces that try to capture the essence of womanhood during all seasons of her life. There are beautiful pieces celebrating motherhood with a mom and her child or children. In fact, there are many expecting mothers that have chosen to have them and their growing bellies put on to canvas to capture that special time in a mother s life.

There are so many different examples to list in regards to these types of art pieces. If one was to look up this term online, they would soon find that they would be bombarded by multiple finds. So many artists have earned high accolades for their work in this field as well.

They have painted the female form in so many different ways, whether it is in the nude, clothed, or representing them in life. It may be, as mentioned above, a mother with her child, but also other beautiful depictions of her life. It may be just her at her chair sitting before a mirror putting a comb threw her hair.

It can be something simple, but yet, something beautiful all at the same. Art tells a story and that has been the truth with this type of beautiful artwork. Harmoniously blending the female form with grace and tenderness and the ability to put that on canvas is something that not every artist can do, but when it is done, it is something that even the non-artist can appreciate.

About the Author: Betz Gallery is an expert in



Figurative women paintings






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