Effective Hair Loss Treatment

By James Bird

There are several contributors that are now known as to why many men and even some women wind up loosing some to all of their hair. Even though there are some of the same kinds of hair loss in men and women, there are other causes that are only specifically to women, and or only known in men.

Both women and men can loose hair due to long term constant stress that is going on in their lives. Various kinds of medications can cause hair falling, along with a good number of toxins that regularly touches the skin through the means of chemicals. Illnesses and infectious diseases, nervous disorders, and hormonal changes also can cause the loss of hair. For both men and women, there can be hair loss when there is always too much oily build up on the scalp.

With hair falling being much more prevalent in men than women, the hair loss of men are very often due to the male hormones of testosterone. With women, menopause can sometimes cause hair fall. Both of these hair loss causes are also age related, and there is too, the genetic hereditary reason for the loss of hair with some men and even women in many cases. In some cases of the losing hair in women, pregnancy will trigger hair loss, but this does not happen with all pregnancies, and the hair loss is actually 3 to 6 months later after the baby is born due to the hormonal changes.


With all of the research that has been now done, there are several ways for the prevention with herbal products like root oils, hair stimulants for re-growth, and even hair loss support liquids. When it comes to the herbal hair root oil, the roots of the hair will not only help to treat dandruff, and nourish the scalp while also preventing more hair falls.

When it comes to the re-growth of the hair, there are some high quality herbal products that will stimulate the growth by the blocking of dihydrotestonstrone hormone. When this specific hormone can no longer be produced, the hair follicles will again be stimulated enough to grow the hair. Along with the herbal types of hair loss re-growth pills, there are also herbal liquids that are specially blended with other hair loss supplements that will dramatically reduce the loss of hair.

Dandruff is a scalp ailment that affects any age group but is more prominent in the age group of early 20s. The major myth associated with it is that it is a leading cause of hair loss but it has not been proven as yet. The main cause for the growth of dandruff is a fungal infection which makes the scalp shed skin at an excessive rate.

Although dead skin cells are shed by the scalp at a normal rate, the fungi infection accelerates the shedding causing embarrassing flakes of the skin to shed. Other symptoms include itchy, dryness and scaly growth on the skin.

About the Author: James Bird is writing for


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